UK: senkt der booster die Sterblichkeit? Eine profunde Analyse der UKHSA-Daten
"In the age group over 60, which is the highest risk for death, having a 3rd dose does not reduce your relative risk of dying from #covid19 compared to those who did not receive a 3rd dose"
[In der Altersgruppe über 60, die das höchste Sterblichkeitsrisiko hat, reduziert die dritte Impfdosis das relative Risiko an Covid-19 zu sterben nicht im Vergleich zu denen, die die dritte Impfdosis nicht erhalten haben.]
Ein unbedingt lesenswerter thread:
Let's just look at this again as @statsjamie has kindly agreed to join the conversation. @steynonline's claim was that following a 3rd dose in the UKHSA reports, you were 3x as likely to die as all other categories of Vx status
— Jikkyleaks (Fan account) 🐭 (@Jikkyleaks) April 27, 2022
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