Nachdem Covid19 aus medizinischer Sicht "durch" ist, hier jetzt also wieder das Thema Impfen in ganzer Breite...
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Masern-Impfung: bei nachlassendem Impfschutz sind Erkrankung und Ansteckung Anderer (!) möglich

Eine akribische Analyse eines Teils der italienischen Masernepidemie zwischen 2017 und 2019 führte einmal mehr den Beweis, dass einige der - auch vom RKI - immer noch hochgehaltenen vermeintlichen Wahrheiten zur Masernimpfung mittlerweile längst widerlegt sind:

  • auch zweimal gegen Masern Geimpfte können bei initial nachgewiesenen, dann aber nachlassendem Impfschutz ("sekundäres Impfversagen") wieder erkranken
  • sie sind dann auch ansteckend für andere, können also Teil einer Ausbruchskette sein.

Beide Erkenntnisse widersprechen den Annahmen von u.a. RKI und STIKO und damit den Grundlagen nicht nur der deutschen Impf- und Eliminationsstrategie bei Masern.

Näheres hierzu hier.


Viruses | Free Full-Text | Characterization of Vaccine Breakthrough Cases during Measles Outbreaks in Milan and Surrounding Areas, Italy, 2017–2021

Despite the existence of an effective live-attenuated vaccine, measles can appear in vaccinated individuals. We investigated breakthrough measles cases identified during our surveillance activities within the measles/rubella surveillance network (MoRoNet) in Milan and surrounding areas (Northern Italy). Between 2017 and 2021, we confirmed measles virus (genotypes B3 or D8) infections in 653 patients and 51 of these (7.8%) were vaccinees. Among vaccinated individuals whose serum was available, a secondary failure was evidenced in 69.4% (25/36) of cases while 11 patients (30.6%) were non-responders. Non-responders were more frequently hospitalized and had significantly lower Ct values in both respiratory and urine samples. Median age and time since the last immunization were similar in the two groups. Importantly, we identified onward transmissions from vaccine failure cases. Vaccinees were involved in 20 outbreaks, in 10 of them they were able to transmit the virus, and in 8 of them, they were the index case. Comparing viral hemagglutinin sequences from vaccinated and non-vaccinated subjects did not show a specific mutation pattern. These results suggest that vaccination failure was likely due to the poor immune response of single individuals and highlights the importance of identifying breakthrough cases and characterizing their clinical and virologic profiles.
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