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HPV-Impfung: zunehmende Hinweise auf replacement
Eine Literaturübersicht zur HPV-Impfung listet mehrere Studien, in denen ein Verschiebeeffekt unter den HPV-Serotypen im zeitlichen Gefolge der HPV-Impfempfehlung beobachtet wurde: im Impfstoff enthaltene Hochrisiko-HPV nahmen ab, andere Hochrisiko-HPV zu (replacement).
Der Artikel weist auch hin auf die Zunahme von Gebärmutterhals-Krebsfällen bei Frauen ab 25 Jahren, die einige Jahre nach der Einführung der HPV-Impfung mittllerweile in mehreren Ländern beobachtet wurde.
Viruses | Free Full-Text | Effects of the Prophylactic HPV Vaccines on HPV Type Prevalence and Cervical Pathology
Vaccination programs with the current prophylactic HPV vaccines started in most countries around 2008 with introduction of the bivalent Cervarix HPV16/18 vaccine, rapidly followed by Gardasil (HPV6/11/16/18) and, finally, Gardasil 9 (HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58), from 2015. Many studies have now confirmed their ability to prevent infection with vaccine-covered HPV types, and the subsequent development of either genital warts and/or cervical neoplasia, although this is clearly more effective in younger women vaccinated prior to sexual debut. Most notably, reductions in the prevalence of vaccine-covered HPV types were also observed in unvaccinated women at the same geographical location, presumably by sexual dissemination of these changes, between vaccinated and unvaccinated women. Furthermore, there are several studies that have demonstrated vaccine-associated HPV type-replacement, where vaccine-covered, high-risk HPV types are replaced by high-risk HPV types not covered by the vaccines, and these changes were also observed in vaccinated and unvaccinated women in the same study population. In light of these observations, it is not entirely clear what effects vaccine-associated HPV type-replacement will have, particularly in older, unvaccinated women.
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